
HI – I’m Charlie Jackson and I’m running for IEEE Region 6 Director.

I have had a broad experience with IEEE.   I started out as a chapter chair.  Right now, I’m serving as the Region 6 Southern Area Coordinator and SUSTECH Local Arrangements Chair. Look at the breadth and depth of service to IEEE on the “Volunteer History” page.

I’d like to talk about why I’m an IEEE Member.

I have a passion for learning. I like to see interesting talks. I’ve learned that if someone doesn’t organize them, then they don’t happen. IEEE provides the framework to make them happen.

I want to be part of the scientific revolution, where a community exchanges ideas, and develops technology that benefits humanity. Again, IEEE Provides the framework. I’ve been a part of phased array technology that will impact 5G, and space based solar power satellites. I’ve been part of a community that makes hardware for space applications.

I have a sense of community, helping engineers to network technically and socially. Again, IEEE Provides the framework.

Networking in IEEE has had a huge effect on my career, and I want to make sure the networking is there for others. I had a chance to participate in the dot-com bubble. My IEEE connections helped me find a good company. Later, after my bout with cancer, my IEEE connections helped me find a job quickly, back in the Aerospace industry.